Ago 4, 2023

“All hail the romantic comedy!” | Regina Florene Tan

“I would never call myself a film buff. That title is reserved for the diehard Kurosawa fans, the Christopher Nolan slash David Fincher film bros, and my best friend Eiyah who apparently knows all up-and-coming Hollywood actors by name and birth year. I humbly refuse to align myself with them because while they were watching the decade’s list of Academy Award winners for Best Picture, I was probably arguing about seeing the next Adam Sandler feature in theaters with my dad.”

Consider reading “All hail the romantic comedy!” in Rappler.


Reg is a graduating BA Communication Arts student at the University of the Philippines Los Baños. She spends the little time she has away from her academics watching films and writing short, often unserious, reviews on Letterboxd.

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