Okt 1, 2012

Conference Wish List

1) I wish we stop laughing at jokes about "those who won't sit in front won't receive merit incentives, haha," and "those who don't arrive in time won't get the bonus... promise!"

2) I wish we don't make a habit of golf and country clubs.

3) I wish science would quit "conservation of timber" and start looking forward to trees.

4) I wish we invite more students to conference, ask them politely to dance.

5) Does the library know a question better than "What do corporations want?"

6) Why can't "World Class" mean everybody goes to school?

7) That the touching of screens will push teachers to muddy their knees in the fields.

8) I wish I went to the Kinder Sports Fest where my daughter comprehends the use of slides.

9) Suppose a lesson divides promptness and urgency between "What if in the real world you're late for a meeting with a magnate?" and "The people are waiting, the people..."

10) Among all the words in attendance, it was "courage" and "service" who wanted to speak.